OAM is supported by the giving of many churches and individual Christians. If you would like to support the work financially you can do that through:

  • giving a one-off donation
  • setting up a regular standing order
  • remembering the mission in your will

Eligible UK taxpayers can boost their donation by 25p for every £1 donated through Gift Aid.

Make a one-off donation

BACs and standing orders

To set up a standing order or to give via BACs please contact our office for more details.

Fill in a Gift Aid declaration online

Remembering the mission in your will

Should you choose to remember OAM in your will, a specimen form of bequest to the mission is provided below:

I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the time being of The Open-Air Mission, founded in the year 1853 by the late John MacGregor, Esq.,
M.A. situated at PO Box 678, Abingdon, OX14 9NA the sum of (whatever the amount is) free of all taxes, to be applied for the general fund.

With grateful thanks for your donation.