Welcome to the new OAM website. We trust that you like what you see, read and watch!
The message of the gospel is unchanging because the need of sinners is unchanging! We all realise that we live in an increasingly media-driven world. Through the media we use, our great desire is to bring the unchanging gospel to this fast-changing world and to equip God’s people to do the same.
At a recent committee meeting, Mike Mellor drew our attention to when the Apostle Paul was preaching in Antioch in Acts 13. In verse 36 Paul refers to King David having ‘…served his own generation’. That is exactly what we want to do! Our print and website material has served us well over a long period, but the time has come to refresh our material to help connect with and serve today’s generation.
Our new magazine title, In the Open, was chosen because it communicates in simple terms what we do – we go out into the open to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ. We are open about it! There are no gimmicks or deceptive methods. The gospel is simply, relevantly and winsomely declared.
We have commissioned the design of a refreshed logo which will be used across all our materials. As a committee we are grateful to all who have worked so hard to bring these changes to life. We are pleased with the result and pray that it will enable us to communicate better the valuable work of open-air preaching, along with prayer needs, to supporters and potential supporters.
We thank God that He uses ‘means’ to bring sinners to Himself. As a mission we have those means to use, particularly the Word of God and the preaching of the gospel. But those means extend to the materials that we produce too: our gospel literature, our website and our magazine.
Let us be increasingly full of zeal and prayer that these means are used for the extension of Christ’s kingdom and for the glory of His name.
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David Fielding, Committee Chairman