Amazing journey through the Bible



Multi-fold tract designed to complement the Bible Exhibitions, but can be used independently.

Leaflets can be ordered in multiples of 50.


The Bible tells us that in the beginning God made everything, including the sun moon and stars, plants, animals and people, and it was all very good.

God wanted to be friends with Adam and Eve, but they disobeyed Him, broke His rules and spoilt the world. People became so bad that God
was sad and decided to flood the whole world.

Noah and his family were saved in an Ark along with many animals and birds. God promised that he would never flood the whole world again and gave us the sign of the rainbow.

One of Noah’s descendants was Abraham. God promised Abraham and his wife Sarah that they would have a son and that he would become a great nation with as many children as the stars in the sky. Their son’s name was Isaac and God’s promise came true.

Because of a famine,the descendants of Abraham went to live in Egypt. Many years later the Egyptians made them slaves and treated them very badly. One of the slaves’ children, Moses, was rescued as a baby.

God sent Moses to bring His people out of Egypt, but Pharaoh king of Egypt would not let them go until God had sent ten plagues. After the final plague the Hebrews were able to escape to freedom.

On their journey from Egypt to the land God had promised them, He gave them Ten Commandments. These were rules to help them, but they disobeyed God.

He sent messengers, like Isaiah, to warn them. These messengers told the people God’s ways and how He was one day going to send a special person into the world. They said that he would be born in Bethlehem, that he would do mighty miracles, but that he would suffer for the sake of other people so that they could be forgiven.

After many years this special person, the Saviour, had still not arrived. Had God forgotten His promise?

Over 400 years later that Saviour was On their journey from Egypt to the land God had promised them, He gave them Ten Commandments. These were rules to help them, but they disobeyed God. The Bible tells us that in the beginning God made everything, including the sun moon and stars, plants, animals and people, and it was all very good. One of Noah’s descendants was Abraham. God promised Abraham and his wife Sarah that they would have a son and that he would become a great nation with as many children as the stars in the sky. Their son’s name was Isaac and God’s promise came true. Because of a famine,the descendants of Abraham went to live in Egypt. Many years later the Egyptians made them slaves and treated them very badly. One of the slaves’ children, Moses, was rescued as a baby. God wanted to be friends with Adam and Eve, but they disobeyed Him, broke His rules and spoilt the world. People became so bad that God was sad and decided to flood the whole world. He sent messengers, like Isaiah, to warn them. These messengers told the people God’s ways and how He was one day going to send a special person into the world. They said that he would be born in Bethlehem, that he would do mighty miracles, but that he would suffer for the sake of other people so that they could be forgiven. born – it was Jesus. He was born in Bethlehem just as God had promised. John the Baptist told the Jews that Jesus had come; saying of Him: “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of world.” Jesus never did anything wrong. He did many miracles, healed many sick people and taught people God’s ways.

But the leaders of the Jews did not like Jesus and had Him arrested, falsely accused and nailed to a cross…