Giving out gospel leaflets is simple way of making Christ known that most believers can engage in. Whether you are taking part in a formal outreach or simply taking opportunities to distribute the word of God in daily life, gospel tracts are powerful tools for evangelism. Here are seven short and practical tips for using gospel tracts in evangelism.

1. Know your rights

In the UK, you have legal protection when handing out religious literature in public places (as set out in Section 23 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act, 2005). If you live outside the UK, check the law and any local bylaws beforehand so you are prepared if challenged.

For more detail on the law relating to street evangelism in the UK, please see this helpful guidance on the Christian Institute website.

2. Be transparent

Let people know what you are offering. A phrase such as “Would you like a Christian leaflet?” succinctly explains what is on offer. We do not want to be the cause of unnecessary littering, as people will often drop a tract when they realise what they have been given. If you tell someone what the leaflet is about, they can choose to refuse it, but if they accept a tract knowing what it is, they are more likely to read it.

3. Be friendly

As you offer a leaflet, look people in the eye and smile at them. If they refuse to take one, wish them a good day and pray in your heart for them as they walk away.

4. Work with a team

Could you encourage others in your church to start an open-air team? Even if only one other believer is willing to join you in your local town, that would be an encouraging start. Do some research into a suitable place to stand and find out the busiest day and time slot.

5. Know your leaflets

Sometimes people will come back and ask you about a specific section of a leaflet. Make sure you are familiar with the content of the literature that you are offering.

6. Be wise where you place tracts

Leaving them lying around in shops can result in complaints being made by the proprietors. As in all our evangelism, we are to follow the Lord’s injunction to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

7. Be ready

Carry a few tracts with you wherever you go. You never know when an opportunity may present itself for you to pass on a silent messenger!

This material is adapted from the OAM publication ‘Silent Messengers – the vital ministry of gospel tracts’. You can download a copy here or order a hard copy for free here.